Friday, 6 January 2012

Christmas Time

So I haven't blogged in a month and a half and one of my 'to do tasks' over the Christmas holidays was to blog more. Well that hasn't entirely been the case, in fact I've had nearly a month off and am now returning to university and haven't written anything. I've spent time reading them, but haven't concentrated on my own.

When coming home the visits are always very short and seem to speed by on purpose. Yet, having a substantial amount of time off over the festive period its just been so nice. I love Christmas as it's so family-orientated, I get to see all my closest friends, and just get to relax. As well as forgetting about the previous term of hellish (is that even a word?) work.

I had a lovely Christmas, got nearly everything I asked for including a colouring book, yes that's right not even ashamed ;) My New Year was enjoyable too, I had no hangover the next day, but was completely shattered as a result of partying too hard.

I set myself New Year's resolutions, however mine are more to keep continuing the things in which I'm doing at the moment. I feel it shouldn't take a new year to motivate you to do something or change something. If you want to do it, then you should.

1. Blog more

2. Make sure I take my makeup off every night and moisturise thoroughly (always roll in drunk and wake up looking like Amy Winehouse)

3. Have a hair regime. I love my hair, its thick and very long and people always say they're very envious of it, but I never use heat protecting spray and dye it constantly. I need to get into the habit of protecting it more and using more moisturiser.

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