Saturday 16 April 2011

Work Experience

I applied to do work experience at Christmas for Easter, hoping to expand my portfolio for university and for my future journalism career. Although I was fortunate and grateful enough for the placement, as the week approached my mind was in constant overdrive. I was feeling so anxious about my own work, trying to accomplish a certain amount in the time in which I had. The idea of being in an office 9-5 everyday, whilst I was just getting used to the beautiful sunshine, didn't inspire me that much.  

Yet, on the other hand I knew that this snippet of work experience and taste of the media industry would be rewarding later on.

Sitting in an office full of experienced journalists typing fiercely, I felt intimidated. With the people all communicating across and around me, with the phones on constant ring, I knew that this week was going to be stressful. I was doing work experience at my local newspaper-Gloucestershire Echo which has a very large readership.

So the first day had finished and you definitely feel it. Constantly starring at a computer screen for 8 hours of your day, makes you very tired and feels like you've adopted square eyes for the majority of the day. I don't think I have ever concentrated so hard before, trying to take it all in, make a good impression and add my personal touch to the discussions and features in which I would be writing.

The week was a definite eye opener and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I worked with such lovely people who were willing to give up their precious time to show me around, talk to me about their daily and weekly schedule and to give me the opportunity to work on the newspaper which would get published.

Here I learnt how to work with certain IT programmes which I apparently will use throughout my career. Programmes such as Shell, Ted, Pcshots etc. They were pretty simple to use, compared to impossible Quark Express which I use at uni which I just cannot get my head around. I wrote features within the newspaper and magazine- which is included within the daily newspaper. In addition to researching, designing and writing four double page layouts persuading people to buy things with certain themes which were coming up, such as royal wedding, Easter, London marathon.

What I found the most interesting was the chain of production (if you could call it that). Everyone was in a room/office together. You had the sports journalists, news, features, photos, sales, designers, reporters, photographers etc all working in close proximity of each other. It was a great insight to see how they all communicate and handle a story which just comes in. It was amazing how they heard about a story from the public or from their own research and in the next 30 minutes it would already be written on the web with photographs and interviews. It made me think Christ I'm going to have to step up my speed of writing and general thinking ha!

The editors told me (and I knew anyways) that people are turning to online now for reading, commenting, confiding etc. So I am glad that I have opted to do the web page design and writing for my year 2 at uni. This was my initial thought anyway, as I want to broaden my journalism in all written areas.

I really wish I never said I had a blog though haha! I really didn't appreciate it being read by the  editor. Its just personal and cringey-especially when the man is a typical 'geezer' ha. Of course he decided to embarrass me and question me on things, but said it was very good and crucial that I had one, as well as my writing, my posting of link and images in general.  I definitely have to get into Twitter more, as I have an account but just don't use it. Many people have said its like a journalists best friend, so I really got to start tweeting.

After getting positive comments about my personality and my work I felt like I should be more confident about it. When I was there I really didn't want my work to be read, I just felt uncomfortable with it. I know it sounds stupid because I want to be a journalist, but when its professionals and your experiencing, it's something different. This week has most certainly made me think I have to have faith and confidence in what I write, otherwise it won't show in my writing.

I can see myself going back there next year to increase my portfolio. Just need to get some more placements with magazines and then I should be on my way :)


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