Tuesday 8 February 2011

My Passion.

When asked to write a blog about something I'm passionate about, my first thought was my friends. Yes, I could of thought of something which was more 'deep' and required alot more thinking, but the fact is I wouldn't have learnt the things or have got this far without them.

I have an amazing bunch of friends at home and university. They all have different personalities; which you would think would clash, but they don't! It's great when your wanting advice or comforting, as they will all participate with THEIR OWN opinions and you start to look at things at different angles.

Throughout my secondary school years, you realise who your real friends are. I don't enter into arguments for the sake of everybody getting on. I know the world isn't all 'lovey dovey' and sugar-coated but I much prefer people to get on when possible. However, when I know that someone isn't worth my time for valid reasons then I will do everything I can to gradually lose contact with them. It may sound harsh but when you look back at people its transparent to you that they are no good.

I have some special friends at home, who I wish to stay in contact with. They have been there through the good times and the bad, and they are the people who know me the best! Some even more than my family. My best friends I have known for around 9 years are so special to me and they know how I think and my insecurities. You know you have a special bond with a person when they are so aware about the small things about you, and which you don't share with everyone.

However, saying that, by coming out of my comfort zone and living independently in the city of Southampton I have met many different characters. I find this such a good insight to see how people work and to know more about them just by watching them.

'As you grow older, you realise who is and isn't worth your time'.

'Don't make someone a priority when they only make you an option'.



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