Sunday 24 April 2011

Sitting in the garden whilst writing this, I have the sun beaming down on me -constantly reminding me that I need to put sun cream on, the sound of the fountain trickling water into the pebbled pond and the occasional car going passed.

I have always been located away from all the action, as well as being a car drive away from my friends. As you grow older the fact you want to be able to just walk home on a night out, or say I shall be back in ten minutes to go and visit your friend, becomes an increasing problem. When you're younger it doesn't bother you, but being stuck in a village; which feels like the majority of the population is old people you wish you lived somewhere closer to the centre.

However, it is weather like today, where I feel fortunate to be living in such a secluded village. It gives me time to think and recollect my thoughts in peace. I love being able to walk down the road on summer nights without feeling uncomfortable (despite not having any street lights).

So I don't see the same attraction when it's a gloomy day but when the sun smiles so do I, and I make the most of living in such a pretty place.

Living in a city for university gives me that opportunity I never had. Having everyone and everything in such a close proximity is conveniently nice. It makes returning home to something quieter more enjoyable.

Although we all moan when we don't have enough sun, when we do, it brings the best out in everyone. If England was permanently hot, every ones attitudes would be the same and it wouldn't see the happier side of people.

I enjoy the sunshine when it comes to visit every now and again, it gives us a reminder of what summer has to bring :)

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