Thursday 7 July 2011

The News of the World Scandal.

The reason I want to be a journalist was because everyday is a different day. I'm the type of person who has to always be doing something otherwise I get bored very easily, this is why I'm not sat at a desk doing the typical 9-5 job.  Journalism offers so many exciting opportunities everyday and brings wonderful things global.

However, it's a very competitive industry and I know myself wanting to be a journalist how important getting a story is before your rivals do. You have to push the limits, reach out of your comfort zone and take a few risks. Yet, I couldn't imagine anyone despite how desperate they were to find a story to do what the News of the World did....

Everyday I watch the news or read online as I feel that it's very beneficial to know what is going on around the world.  I was absolutely flabbergasted when I saw that the News of the World had deviously hacked into the voicemails of victims of crime, just so that they could get an exclusive story. It first came to my attention that celebrities’ phones were being interfered with, I'll be honest I wasn’t too bothered. Yet, when it is victims of murdered children, dead Afghanistan and Iraq soldiers, terrorist attack victims, I felt so much hatred.

These malicious individuals were even going to the extremes of phoning up police officers pleading and physically crying down the phone asking for confidential information so that they could get a story so that their jobs weren’t on the line.

They wanted a story; they got a story...on themselves!

How cold-hearted and selfish can individuals be to intervene into not only into someone’s personal belongs, but to do this to the tormented families which have been left behind. They are acting like vultures trying to pick at their prey wanting to find the best bits. It's disgusting. What also infuriates me is that the editors of the company are being very defensive about the matter and admitting they knew nothing about it. Furthermore, a journalist who works for News of the World stated: "Well if you hear of information which could be a potential story then you're not going to put your hands in your ears." This statement really pissed me off, as there is always a line in journalism or any job that you do not cross.

I strongly hope that these recent events get taken further and that the government and police start to look more into this callous behaviour to prevent it happening again. How insensitive can people get! 

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