Sunday 30 January 2011


OK so its safe to say that everybody doesn't like at least one thing about themselves. We sure do go on about it as well, some will try and accomplish goals so that they feel near to 'perfect' and some will just accept how they are. I certainly know what I wish I had and that it would give me more confidence. I always make scenarios of what if I did have what I wanted then everything would be better. It doesn't mean that it will bring you total happiness. Sometimes its the imperfections which brings two people together, I suppose it makes you more genuine compared to someone who thinks that there wonderful and are gods gift.

I say this because although I feel down at times about things I wish I could have, I cannot of asked more from my family. I am so lucky to have the family which I do. Over the years me and my 21 year old brother have been driven closer. OK so I can't tell him everything, cos when Ive done that b4 it hasn't gone down well (boys) but I know he's there to talk and to help me out if I need him. That's the beauty of having an older brother, they're so protective, but its kind of nice. I definitely miss him and I know he misses me as he's regularly contacting me and saying 'loveyou' which at home he would just be like bugger off.

The majority of my friends say I wish I had your mum and dad. I'm always like why?! but when I look at some of my friends families and others in general I do believe that I am so lucky. They always want the best for me, attended everything I joined and would always let me go on holiday or trips so I don't miss out. I never take advantage of them, I hate borrowing money cos it makes me feel guilty. Like this whole uni student loan not being able to cover, makes me feel so awful but I always think to myself how proud I made them when I got in. They always say how happy they are with me, and also let me know when there disappointed. They email me nearly everyday at uni and send me surprise letters and gifts through the post which I love. I know for sure it was hard for my parents to let me go to uni, they were very nervous and dad says he worries all the time about me.

Just so grateful for the family I have, when I compare myself to others. Some people have single parents, parents which have died, really bad money issues or just a standard family in Africa. I am so lucky compared to other people and I wish I could help everyone out.

I miss them <3

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